SIGGRAPH 2024 Best Paper Award

The paper “Walkin’ Robin: Walk on Stars with Robin Boundary Conditions” won the Best Paper award at SIGGRAPH 2024. Congratulations to Bailey, Rohan, Keenan, and Yannis! Check out the project webpage for details.

CVPR 2024 Best Student Paper Honorable Mention Award

The paper “Objects as volumes: A stochastic geometry view of opaque solids” won the Best Student Paper Honorable Mention award at CVPR 2024. Congratulations to Bailey, Hanyu, Alice, and Yannis! Check out the project webpage for details.

SIGGRAPH 2023 Best Paper Award

A paper authored by members of CMU Imaging was selected as the best paper at the SIGGRAPH 2023 onference. This work, titled “Split-Lohmann Mutifocal Displays”, provides a design template for a spatially-selective lens, which can simultaneously focus each pixel on a display (or sensor) to a different depth. More details on the paper can be […]

CVPR 2022 Best Paper Honorable Mention Award

The work titled “Dual-Shutter Optical Vibration Sensing” won the Best Paper Honorable Mention award at CVPR 2022. Big congratulations to Mark Sheinin et al. on the great work. Check out the project webpage for details:

IVS 2021 Best Paper Award

Li et al. won the best paper award at IV 2021, for their work titled “Traffic4D: Single View Reconstruction of Repetitious Activity Using Longitudinal Self-Supervision”. Check out the project page here. Congratulations!

ICCP 2021 Best Paper Award

At 2021’s International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), Anqi Yang and Aswin Sankaranarayanan received the best paper award for their paper titled “Designing Display Pixel Layouts for Under-Panel Cameras”. Check out the 5 minute presentation of this work here, and the paper here. Congratulations on the great work!

ICCP 2020 Awards

Congratulations to Chao Liu et al. on the Best Paper Honorable Mention Award, and Joe Bartels et al. on the People’s Choice Best Poster/Demo Award!

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